Joining the club gives you access to The Social Studies Whisperer LLC’s entire signature Picture Dictionary collection past, present, and future! These unique study guides help ensure that Social Studies is modified for all students!
Wouldn’t it be nice to have creative study guides that are extra effective for ESOL students? Well guess what??? With membership in my Picture Dictionary Club, you get access to every single Picture Dictionary in my current collection!! Along with that you get instant access to new additions! And not to mention you save big money buying the membership. These unique study guides (which are definitely more engaging for all students) are perfect for interactive notebooks, integrate literacy, and will save you time!
Students will remember vocabulary words better when they draw a picture or symbol and have to write a definition in their own words! Add in having to write an original sentence to apply the word in context throws in an extra layer of grammar practice.

Sample Picture Dictionary
With this set you are covered for the entire school year and then some! Build background with Early America and then go straight through the Civil War-War on Terrorism. This aligns perfectly with Georgia’s 5th Grade Social Studies Curriculum and would work for other states, too! This also includes American Government, Geography, Personal Finance and Economic Essentials, and Veterans’ Day.
Answer Keys are included for everything and many of the Picture Dictionaries include extras! This file contains a link to a Dropbox file with ALL 22ish Picture Dictionaries along with the Editable DIY Template!
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