Recently I got to participate in 365 Atlanta Family’s Summer A-Z series. It was a collaborative series featuring fun sites to visit around the southeast! Naturally I picked locations that involved history! I’ve compiled the links to all 4 of my posts here! Even if you don’t live locally, make sure and check out each one of the locations’ websites! The series is no longer posted on their site so I decided to publish them here! Click each picture to check each post out!
I have visited The Breman Museum is Atlanta twice and have been so inspired by their educational outreach so much I decided to become a patron. If you ever get a chance to hear a Holocaust survivor speak in person, do it. Life-changing.
I stopped by Chickamauaga on the way home from a trip to Chattanooga in Spring 2017! It truly is a spot for Civil War relics!
Kennesaw Mountain is a great place for hiking and an even better place to get your history nerd on! Check out my post about it here:
My final post in the series was about The Children’s Holocaust Memorial in Whitwell, Tennessee. I am so moved by the story of how kids turned a horrific piece of history into a truly inspirational work of beauty.