February 2017: So this post was written in Feb. 2016. Some of the novelty of Periscope has worn off and with Facebook Live coming on strong many people think Periscope is dead. They are wrong!!! I definitely still utilize it!! Side note: katch.me is gone with the wind as is Blab. Ok, this post isn’t about me. It’s about some of the people who I saw as Periscope’s Rising Stars of 2016.
Things can change in a year and social media handles may change, etc. Some of these people aren’t scoping anymore, but every single one of these ladies has something special to share and it’s worth the time to seek them out on social media! I am including an update and some “intel” on where they can be #spotted now.
February 2016: I’ve tried to be pretty consistent with Periscoping which was my goal! I did my 100th scope today! So I’m practicing what I preach. Super excited to be linking up and sharing my research with you about Periscope’s Rising Stars;). Make sure you follow the link at the bottom for more Peri-Persuasion!! Just in case you have not heard of it, here’s the scope scoop. Sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know. Periscope is a live streaming app that allows you to view and/or broadcast for personal or business-use. And the person broadcasting can’t see you back. My first question when I got on the Peri-train;).
It has become the bees’ knees with teachers (just taught the Roaring 20s people) ever since this summer! And what’s made it go gangbusters is the fact that it is FREE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT! And even better, it’s engaging, in-the-moment PD that is self-selected! And nobody is reading Power Points to you about something you already know, aren’t really interested in, or could have been conveyed more effectively via email. I’ve heard rumors of this happening;).
I’ve even starting scoping my students (without showing their faces) during activities. It’s so much easier to explain things like the Jigsaw strategy when you see it in action like you can here: Kids in Action on Periscope! Trust me it makes for great motivation for quality work with 5th graders, too! They want me to broadcast them!!
I think the most effective learning takes place when it is guided by the student. #micdrop Individual scopers often save their scopes to katch.me but sometimes it’s hard to remember who shared what super idea. Cue the visionary genius of one Sheila Jane Teaching with her http://www.iteachtvnetwork.com. This website is literally on demand PD and even better it is organized by topic now! How many opportunities would you have gotten before Periscope to sit in on a session with THE JEN JONES??? None. Well now you can! She is such a personable, authentic, teacher rockstar! Case in point she has also made it her mission to give people the power to scope. I’ve been trying to do the same since the clock struck 2016, but let’s get real. If Jen Jones says do it, you do it!
You can get tech tips, classroom organization help, Teachers Pay Teachers seller tidbits, motivation, encouragement, literacy strategies, math ideas, teacher fashion, health and wellness, and so much more. What I love about Periscope is that it is great for visual learners, especially with those tech tips. I take so many screen shots during broadcasts I practically crash my phone!
In the midst of you checking out iteachtv for our seasoned scopers, be on the lookout for the newbies! I have been pretty focused on my business lately so I kind of pick and choose who I watch on Periscope. And I often just catch replays. I wanted to feature some up-and-coming rising Periscope stars today! If you’re like me and are super-busy or a workaholic, you might stay focused on your Peri-faves and not even be aware of some of these scopers. Here’s my list of must watch newbie scopers or scopers who I wish would scope more.

1) Emilie @islandteacher1 is totally the teacher next door. She is friendly and approachable and someone you just want to be real life friends with! She shares some great bilingual ideas!! 2107: You can find her on Instagram Emilie on IG!!

2) Kristina @doigscience is a no-nonsense middle school science teacher and a tech guru! She tries some out of the box stuff like Genius Hour and nails it! Her first scope was her room tour and I loved how she uses social media for decor. Don’t let the middle school part keep you from checking out her scopes! All teachers can benefit from her ideas! 2107: You can also find her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/adventuresinistem/
3) Yolanda @darkchocdiva has an infectious smile and is a Periscope natural. I sure hope she does more scopes. She is doing some phenomenal stuff with Kinders!! She is such a great cheerleader to everyone else, too!!! A great source of positivity:)! 2017: She’s also on IG but her account is private https://www.instagram.com/iteach4aliving/
4) Rachel @rachbv is so kind and supportive and a serious wealth of social media and TPT knowledge!! If you are just starting out as a seller, you need to get to know her! I’ve learned several things already from her TPT Life scopes!! And take that from someone who thinks they are an expert at everything;)! 2017: I love Rachel. She and I have gotten to be really good friends and we even co-hosted a TPT Meet-Up last spring!! She also helped me pick out brand colors. Um, more like introduced me to the concept of Hex colors and a color wheel. I’m really excited that she is now offering web design services!! She definitely has an eye for it!! You can find her on IG for sure at https://www.instagram.com/rachbv/ or https://www.instagram.com/rachbvdesign/
5) Martha @marthahogge has been a faithful Blab and Periscope viewer for months and I am so thrilled she took the leap into scoping. She is so knowledge about so many areas. She received an amazing scholarship grant to attend conferences in exchange for her sharing what she learns. She was at the Learning Disabilities Association Conference in Florida this week and she Periscoped about her sessions. She is dedicated teacher and inspirational mom who is advocating for her son’s special needs. 2017: She is on IG but not super active but find her anyways:). https://www.instagram.com/marthahogge/
6) Janelle @janellekay is a peppy but down to earth Health & PE teacher who some great ideas for incorporating health and fitness into academics! How cool is that?!? 2107: Find her on social media with the handle @schoolwellness! She is doing some important work! https://www.instagram.com/school_wellness/
7) Last but not least is Lara @superheroteachers. I’m blown away by her mission to encourage wellness in teachers. She has some great advice for teachers with nutrition and fitness. And Lara tells it like it is. She genuinely wants to help teachers be healthy! 2017: I’m so inspired that Lara has rekindled her passion for art!! She has even opened an Etsy store!! https://www.instagram.com/superheroteachertoolkit/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/Larablair
Phew, all that talent in one list has me exhausted!! Don’t say I didn’t warn you. These ladies are Periscope’s next big thing!!!
P.S. You know my submarine comment from the beginning? Search for DIY Periscope lighting on Pinterest and see what you get;)!!
Follow this link to some posts that will give you more evidence of how you can use Periscope as PD: PD in Your PJs Link Up!
Summer 2016
Miss the first 3 posts?
Part 1 Power to Periscope: Confidence!
Part 2 Power to Periscope: More Inspiration to Start Scoping!