January 2016: I am new to the whole one word thing but I gladly jumped on board this year! Am I the only one who missed this every other year before now;)?? I’m not a bandwagon chick so you know if I’m linking up it’s for a good reason. Thank you to the dynamic duo (and sisters in names that start with A) for the #2getherwearebetter concept and opportunity to join in!! I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because most people don’t keep them. I do believe in setting goals and staying focused though. Keeping a specific word in mind does exactly that. My word is “Confident.” I explain more in this Periscope broadcast that is now posted on YouTube.
I am choosing to follow the advice of the super inspiring Ashley Schroeder from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd and map out a specific focus for each month. This is really good thing for a word like mine (um and a planner failure brain like mine) because I’m using it for all facets of life. The thought of being “Runnels the ROCKSTAR” all day, every day, and everywhere is rather daunting. So I really loved Ashley’s tip. For January, I’m choosing to concentrate on being CONFIDENT on Periscope. I got going with this already by stepping way out of my comfort zone last night and not worrying about what I looked like and just clicking Broadcast NOW on the scope you see above! This was not easy for me.
Now I love Periscope as a viewer and a broadcaster. Maybe that’s because when I was little I wanted to be an actress;)??? The only reason I don’t jump on more is because I dull my own sparkle sometimes, hence my Mindset Mantra for 2016: Don’t let anyone (including yourself) dull your sparkle! I hope to inspire others while I’m on my personal 2016 “Confidence Cruise” as well! I have seen MANY people on lots of different social media platforms mention how they are hoping to work up for the courage to ‘scope this year. I would love to give you some tips, tricks, and probably some tangents to help you have the Power to Periscope. Today I’m starting with just the guts to do that first scope. We will save topic ideas for later. Your first scope can be just an introduction to who you are or as part of a Periscope challenge. And let’s face it, I love to write and we don’t want this single post to become an e-book.
Let me break it down for you business-wise if you’re a “teacherpreneur.” If you don’t get your name out there in social media you are going to be left in the cyber dust. I’m a keep it real kind of girl. You can blog, tweet, and pin until the cows come home but you’re missing the boat if you don’t put yourself out there. As in your face literally. And yes, I love idioms and intentionally use them often. You see along with being a history nerd I’m a word nerd, too. See? Tangent. Oops.
Have you ever seen these perfect looking classroom pictures and Pinterest projects and (staged!) photos and thought you had to try to be perfect? Well, guess what? A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes that word is illusion, Instagram filter, or Photoshop. Or I think it’s robot. That’s because I think these perfect people can not possibly be real. So I steer clear of them.
I value the opinion and insight of people who are real and flawed and make mistakes. Periscope broadcasts give you a window into real life. Viewers fall in love with genuine, authentic people who speak from the heart. And cause and effect dear reader in regards to their eduEMPIRES. People want what they’ve got. People are buying what they’re selling, metaphorically and literally. Periscope was the top app of 2015 for a reason. I bet you know that because maybe you’ve watched tons. However, are you still hesitant to make it the “all about you” show?. Let’s debunk your fears right now.
Common Periscope Fears/”Overthinkings”
1) “I’m nervous in front of the camera.”
REFRAME: “I’m nervous in front of a camera BUT I manage a classroom full of kids year-round. I have an audience all the time.” Runnels Real Talk: Try out a private broadcast by just inviting a few people. Or try out several this way until you feel more comfortable. You could also get your feet wet by scoping with a buddy or jumping into a blab where you have backup singers;). Try it, you might like it. Or you might LOVE it! And news flash, I bet even Beyonce gets a few butterflies in her stomach before she dazzles us on stage.
2) “Nobody will watch me.”
REFRAME: “I’m afraid nobody will watch because I’m not x, y, or z person….but that’s ok. If I make a difference and give 1 person an idea that’s a win.” Runnels Real Talk: If you have been out and about as a viewer on Periscope, people probably know who you are and would be thrilled for you to try it out! And guess what? There’s always the replay option. I have almost peed in my pants with excitement over some of the “big name” people who have watched some of my replays. I’m telling myself to not worry that someone more “popular” will start a broadcast and people will stop watching. So what? If you act like a diva about it, then the people who ARE watching will think you are rude. In my early days as a scope newbie this summer, I pulled a serious drama queen move. I shut down a broadcast because I only had a few viewers. I guess I thought I was Oprah and 500 people would magically tune in to someone they didn’t know at all! Lesson learned. News flash, the more you scope, the more your following will grow! And also, if you notice nobody is commenting it might be because you accidentally hit the “limit chat to followers” button.
3) “It might be an epic disaster.”
REFRAME: “It might be an epic disaster…BUT I can DELETE my scope.” Runnels Real Talk: Technical difficulties happen to everyone. That’s the nature of the beast. Make sure your phone battery is charged because Periscope and especially Blab are hungry phone life-force eaters. Make sure you have your website, images, props, etc. ready just like you do for classroom lessons. Prepare. Ahead. Of. Time. Yes, that came from me. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” and also turn off sound notifications for Twitter, texts, etc. I’ve gotten locked out of my own broadcast because of phone calls. Talk about awkward.
4) “I’m afraid that creepers and internet trolls will say something horrible.”
REFRAME: “I’m afraid that creepers may jump in BUT my viewers have my back and can block the person, too.” Runnels Real Talk: It’s definitely possible. You can not control this from happening so just be ready to hit that block button at lightning speed. I let a creeper’s rude comment keep me from scoping for several days. Well, that was 2015. This is now! I noticed after a tip from Jen Jones that if you turn off the location it will cut down on this.
5) “I don’t have anything to offer or talk about.”
REFRAME: “I matter. I have something to offer.” Runnels Real Talk: Well in terms of the topics, I will help in future posts:). As for the other, I don’t want to hear it because I don’t believe you. If you even know what Periscope is you are an innovative and reflective. You have strengths and passions. If you scope about your favorite subject or hobby, your light will shine and your broadcast will be amazing. I know some of my best scopes have been when I am truly fired up and speaking on topics that I truly care about like English Language Learners or History. You don’t have to be a blogger or TPT seller. I want to hear from other teachers who are in the trenches with me.
In closing, “can’t never could.” Please just give it a try without overthinking. You can do a 5 minute scope. I promise getting hearts makes you feel good. I hope I have given you a little boost of confidence. If you do try a scope for the first time please tag me (@socstudieswhisperer) or comment here and tell me about it because I have so much admiration for people who overcome challenges. If I can’t catch you live, I will watch your replay for sure.
In the meantime, please go and check out the other “One Word” link up posts. I’ve already read several. You will be so full of inspiration you won’t be able to stand it! I’m going to post the link to Ashley’s site to link up because you can catch her scope replay there about being focused!! You have to watch it! http://www.schroedershenanigansin2nd.com/2016/01/2016-goals-and-plans/
Here’s a spring follow-up to check in!
Here is the rest of Power to Periscope Blog Series!
Part 2 Power to Periscope: More Inspiration!
This was such an amazing post. Just what I needed to hear. I am motivated to scope more now!
Thank you:)! Yay Denesha!! That makes me so happy!!!
LOVE it! SUCCESSFUL is my word, and you have inspired me to Scope…maybe even today..maybe even now? Not sure what to talk about, but what the heck! (If I don't scope now it is because I got super scared)TBD
YAHOO!!! I love that word!! You can do it!! Just start by introducing yourself and then talk about your word and your goals for 2016!
I just commented on your FB post as well, but I think I just need to set a time and DO it!! No time like the present, right? I've seen people talking about their words, mine is PURPOSEFUL, but I didn't know if I would be highjacking the word idea if barged in and included it in an intro scope?