You never know what great ideas you will come up with out of desperation. I had some “Big Magic” type inspiration yesterday after searching through drab Power Point after Power Point about the scientific method. This history nerd has to make science creative to make it tolerable. I couldn’t find my old scientific method rap and since it is the holiday season I decided to write a Frosty song parody and then have my students try out their own Scientific Method Song Parodies.
After “Googling” lyrics for Frosty the Snowman I found them on Then I downloaded them as a PDF to save for later, printed, and got set to light a fire in my pen. Ok, true story I did pull out a copy of a notes sheet about the scientific method, too since I hadn’t taught it for a couple of years. I actually decided to model the writing process myself and told my students I could write the whole song in 20 minutes just to prove a point about how they waste time;). Well, we ended up switching classes earlier than I expected, but I did finish most of it! Point made. This is seriously how it began! Definitely a “rough draft.”
After my little angels left today, I also found a karaoke version of the song on You Tube so I could remember the tune to finish my song! I had some stanzas out of place! Here is the one I found. I use Safe Share for every YT clip. If you want it without ads click here: Safeshare Frosty
Tomorrow I am going to perform mine and have my students attempt to create one, too. Have your students pick a holiday song and create their own parody about the scientific method in groups or individually. This is a perfect introduction to the Scientific Method or any time review of inquiry and process skills! I am using it as a reminder because my students have a science fair.
Here is a link to several Christmas songs. Many of them are just winter weather songs so they would be appropriate for all students to use no matter if they celebrate Christmas or not!
- Frosty Lyrics
- Let it Snow Lyrics
- Deck the Halls Lyrics
- O Christmas Tree Lyrics
- Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer Lyrics
Here is an update to how the activity went!! Song parodies work for any topic! I look forward to hearing what you come up with!! If you want some awesome Social Studies song parodies check out!